Thursday, May 21, 2009

Be Fruitful and Multiply.

The 6 month photos have arrived!!!

John and I are so excited to share with you our journey into the world of becoming parents!!!  

I left Bank of America for my maternity leave last Friday, and since then I've been busy, busy, busy! Even busier than when I was still working. John and I have chosen to not know the sex of our baby, so choosing colors for the nursery is no easy task. I won't actually paint it of course, as the fumes would be much, much too dangerous for me to around. And besides, that's what you have hubbies for, am I right ladies? I'm torn between Seashell Sunrise and Dainty Daffodil. And also Sherbert Dreams, but John says that if it's a boy there's no way a son of his will spend his first year of life in a pink room, and I said, well what- are you afraid a pink room will turn our son gay? And he said no of course not, but there's still so much research out there that's inconclusive as to what causes gayness, and then something else he'd heard Sean Hannity say about how people become gay on TV last night. And then it was just a whole can of worms that was opened up, because John knows about my hairdresser Todd and how much I cherish his input he's given about decorating for the baby. 

Anyway. So I think we're going to go with yellow, I mean, Dainty Daffodil. 

John's job recently promoted him, (thank you Jesus!), and so we're celebrating by taking a pregnant couple's yoga weekend retreat. I haven't even started packing, as I've just been so busy updating my Flickr, Myspace, Facebook, Twitter and Friendster accounts with the 6 month photos. I think it will be good for John and I to reconnect and get away. He's been stressed about his new responsibilities at the dealership and heaven knows he's got a lot of work to do at home, what with me not being able to handle any cleaning products, detergents, latex, or be anywhere near bugs anymore, which is hard to do in Florida, right?!! So I had John put in a whole new screened in back porch where I can go to recoup when I get too tired, and where I can do my pregnancy research online and compile up all the material I need John to read before our bundle of heaven arrives. Only 12 weeks left I keep reminding him!!!!! That boy better get his booty in gear. 

John's also been slacking his men's Bible study group, what with the late hours he has to keep because of the promotion, and plus all the decorating stuff he has to help me with. So I'm going to make sure that we go to bed every Saturday night NO LATER than 9:30 pm, so he won't have an excuse to not go on Sunday mornings. John says that he can study the Bible and grow in the Lord on his own time and he doesn't need a structured environment for that, and I said, that's exactly what I told myself about my weight problems before going on Jenny Craig, but I don't think he truly understands how important structure is because he and I didn't even start dating until after I'd dropped 75 lbs. Anyway, it's like I say. It all comes down to personal choices and each person must be held accountable for the fruit that they bear in their life. So once John starts going back to his men's group on Sunday mornings, I think things will get a lot better between us. 

Well, I mean. Not that things are bad, that's not what I said, and if they were then we'd get RIGHT BACK into counseling before you could say Dr. Phil. But just, I think that STRUCTURE gives our lives purpose and meaning and without it, Satan can really easily take up presence in your heart. 

Anyway. I hope you guys like the 6-month pictures!!!! Our little bundle of heaven kicked the other day right when my favorite Leanne Womack song came on, so I think it's going to be a girl!!!! Shhhhhhhh. Don't tell my hubby, or he might be a sourpuss. 

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