Thursday, April 9, 2009

Follow your Dreamz.

Hi. My name’s Amber. I’ve been a model/actress for about 10 years now. I started pretty young, when I was 16, so I’ve definitely been around the block enough to learn a thing or two.
I’d like to take this opportunity to offer advice to my sisters out there just beginning their careers- I know I sure could have used some sisterly advice when I first moved to L.A., and it’s really all about Karma anyway, so I feel like I just need to give back to the world since I’ve been so fortunate being a model/actress.

So here you go. Here are Amber’s top DO's and DONT'S for finding success and watching all of your wildest dreamz come true!!!

DO invest in a really, really good Pilates instructor. Shakti Finklestein is mine, from the “Piranha Prana Pilates Powerhouse” in the Valley. I mean, and this may not be PC to say, but those butch-lesbos really do know to whip a girl’s booty into shape! I had serious, chronic cellulite for YEARS on the backs of my thighs, (a big no-no ladies) and I tried everything from the 6-week bacon and grapefruit diet, to this Brazilian specialty treatment involving coffee grounds and cocaine leaves. NOTHING worked. Not until I met Shakti did those tiresome trouble spots melt away. Now my figure is slim, trim and ready to win.

DON’T blend in. The most valuable advice I was ever given when I first moved to Hollywood was from a very, very successful producer. I mean, and I can’t name names here, but let’s just say that he’s very close with another producer whose last name sounds like Shrime-stein. So this producer said to me, “Amber, just be yourself. Find out what makes you YOU and then just be YOU.” One of the ways I was able to get as many jobs as I have is because of my unique look. I’m very lucky that I’m 1/64th Cherokee Indian and so I have cheekbones , lips, eyes, teeth, and skin that looks really, really Native American. That’s what that producer told me. And trust me ladies- there are a million and one beautiful girls out here. So you have to find out what your strengths are and highlight, show off, and emphasize them.

As an actress, what makes me different is that I think I have a unique perspective on what it’s like to suffer. I won’t go into it all, but let’s just say I’ve had to file a restraining orders against my last 3 boyfriends. Oh, and one of my therapists. So it’s really, really easy for me to be emotional and act really good in front of the camera since I’ve been through so much pain.

DO frequent hot-spots! My recommendation- The Chateau Marmont. Part of being an actress/model is marketing yourself, and ladies, we all know that a picture is worth a thousand words. Make sure to look your best at all times because you never know when there might be cameras around. I can’t tell you how many celebrities I’ve become really, really close friends with by just hanging out at the hot spots. Trista (you know, Trista from the Bachelorette) and I are going to get manis and pedis later today, and guess where I met her? You guessed it! The Chatt!

DON’T be afraid to take risks in the roles you choose. EVERY role is a step forward in your career as a model/actress, even if it’s not something that you would want to write home about. I’ve been a spokesmodel for everything from Hawaiian Tropic Suntan Lotion to being a featured dancer on “The Hills”. And you know what? Each step forward is a step not backwards. Just make sure to have your contract reviewed by a lawyer- preferably a Jewish one- if there’s any nudity involved. Once I make it into features full time my lawyer has promised me that I have ALL the rights to any and all nudity work that I’ve done. So I guess another DO is to find a good Jew lawyer.

DO read “The Secret.” It will change your life!!! I didn’t work for 3 months one time and after I read this book, I put my intentions out into the universe for success, and boom- whaddya know, the next day I got a call from my agent for “Rock of Love 2.” I ended up landing the gig, and although Brett Michaels and I weren’t a good match, my visibility as a model/actress increased by about 10 times!

And lastly DON’T ever give up on your dreamz! And DO continue to read my blog! Thank you everyone for your support, and wish all you new girls with dreamz of being as successful as me model/actress the best of luck.

Namaste!!!! -Amber