Monday, December 1, 2008


I am U-wo-du-hi Wa-ya, which you say Beautiful Wolf.

I cook the Tatonka soup and pick the lice from the heads of the children whose mothers have died. I pull babies from mother's bellies, and i cut their air cords from their belllies with a blade of flint my mother gave me. I catch the babies in a new white rabbit skin and in the clucking of my tongue. I have seen 75 babies born alive, and 3 born dead. 5 babies were pulled from me and 2 lived. Never catch a baby with a black rabbit skin.

They call me beautiful.

Pass me da phone dahlink.
And pleiese. Don't open da curtains. Da sunshine isa so borink. Come seeet mon amore. Come and tell me why you furrow yourbrow. What is there to cry tears for? You are with Sophia now dahlink. If you cry i will get so bored with you and i do not have anytimes for love making when i am bored.
Be gay with me dahlink. Drink da Chom-pagne before da 11 :00 am arrives. No!- what is dis!!! No, no camera, pleiese. No! You must not! Stop pointing your lens at me dis INSTANT!I am so angry with you! Put that camera down! Yes, i KNOW i am beautiful, but not beautiful before 3 pm. Bastardo.